What is TAP & SCP Account?
TAP account is an account that accumulates contributions from both the Member and Employer for pre-retirement purposes.
SCP account is an account that accumulates contributions from both the Member and Employer for retirement.

Contribution rate
TAP Scheme
5% from basic salary
SCP Scheme
3.5% from basic salary

What can you do with your contribution in TAP and SCP Account?

TAP Account
Member can withdraw TAP 50 Years Old (if not withdrawn yet) and TAP 55 Years Old before converting to SPK. Member also can withdraw other TAP Withdrawals if eligible to.
Find out more about TAP Withdrawal.

SCP Account
The contribution in SCP will be converted to SPK to allow deferred Member to receive a higher SPK Annuity.
Members or Member's next-of-kin can still withdraw SCP Withdrawal is eligible to before converting to SPK. Find out more about SCP Withdrawal.