TAP & SCP Estimation Fund

The calculator is designed based on below assumptions 

1. Current Age is based on 01/01/YYYY as your date of birth 
2. Retirement Age is based on 01/01/YYYY as retirement date 
3. Member Contribution is in % insert by user 
4. Employer Contribution is in % insert by user 
5. Dividend Rate is based on 01/01/YYYY as financial year start date 
6. All below value is derived based on 2 decimal points and value will be round up to nearest 0.01 
    - Salary
    - Total Contribution (Year)
    - Voluntary Contribution (Year)
    - Next Ledger Balance
7. Fund estimated is based on Brunei Dollar currency 
8. All below value is derived based on nearest Brunei Dollar
    - Employer Contribution
    - Member Contribution

Calculator Disclaimer 
These online calculators are made available and meant to be used as a screening tool for the member.
The accuracy of these calculations is not guaranteed nor is its applicability to your individual circumstances. 
For further information, please contact TAP call center at 2382929. 

Calculator Definition 
The variables used in our online calculator are defined in detail below, including how to interpret the results.

Variable Definition
Current Age (years)This is your current age in years
Retirement Age (years)This is your expected retirement age is years
Dividend RateThis is the expected annual dividend rate (%)
Gross SalaryThis is your monthly gross salary, stated in BND
Member ContributionThis is TAP member contribution rate, fixed at 5% monthly
Employer ContributionThis is TAP employer contribution rate, fixed at 5% monthly
Voluntary ContributionThis is your monthly voluntary contribution, stated in BND
Account Balance (as at today)This is your current balance in TAP account, stated in BND
Total Estimate Fund (BND) up to <retirement age>This is the total estimate fund when you reach the retirement age you specify in calculator, specified in BND